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Revolution Detailing Supplies

3D 9001 Super Glass Cleaner Nano Drum 128oz


Super, hyper-concentrated glass cleaner that uses the highest quality, complex ingredients to create the best performing glass cleaner.  3D’s proprietary homogeneous distillation process refines the key ingredients down to a pure, highly spun concentrate while removing approximately 95% of the water found in other glass cleaners.

When you buy from 3D, you’re only paying for the ingredients you want and need – not water.  If you’re ordering any of 3D’s hyper-concentrated products, (we offer a vast selection), you’re not paying to ship water to your home or business.  This makes practical financial sense considering the average person can mix the concentrate with water you already pay for at your home or business.

What does it do?

It cleans glass streak and smudge free assuming you use clean, uncontaminated glass towels.  See the supplemental information below for what makes a great glass cleaner and for what makes great glass cleaning towels.

When do you use it?

Anytime you have dirty glass or glass with some kind of oily film that’s blocking your view or creating haze or glare when you drive.  Anytime around the home, office, shop, rv, etc. when you need to clean glass and restore streak-free, smudge-free clarity.

Why use 3D’s Super Glass Cleaner over other options?

Works great.  Works better than the all the other options you’ve undoubtedly already tried and been let down by.  Delivers consistent, streak-free crystal-clear results on glass, mirrors, and plastic.

3D Super Glass Cleaner uses the most costly blend of ingredients, which separates it from all competing products, which for the most part use crude, simple ingredients and this is the reason you spend more time fighting the glass when trying to clean it as well as fighting the glass cleaner.